Click here to upload your abstract
Abstract Submission Rules

Abstract should be sent via the congress website. Abstracts sent via e-mail or any other method except the congress website will not be accepted. Abstracts may be presented in Turkish or English at the congress. At least one of the authors in the abstract must be registered to the congress. Only the submissions of registered authors will be included in the program and the abstract book. The categories of submissions are:

• Oral Abstracts
• Poster Abstracts

An e-mail will be automatically sent to the owners of the Abstracts as "Your Submission Has Been Entered into the System". The result of the evaluation will be sent to all the abstract holders as a result letter. It is not possible to withdraw the presentations after the acceptance letter has been sent. If the oral presentations of the owners whose presentations are accepted but not presented cannot document their valid justifications, their presentations to be sent for evaluation at the next congress will not be accepted.

The text should be written without errors and should be checked before uploading to the system. The texts uploaded to the system will be included in the proceedings booklet without correction. The papers to be presented at the congress should be capable of contributing to scientific development and should give a concluding message.

Abstract Section Titles

• Purpose, Material and Method, Results, Conclusion, References

Abstract Rules

The title of the Abstract should be given as short as possible to reflect the study. Abbreviations should not be used in the title. The full names of all authors (as name and surname), departments and institutions should be written clearly in the relevant sections. Names should be written in lowercase letters with only the first letter capitalized. Academic titles should not be used. Responsibility for ethical issues belongs to the authors.

Berk İşbitiren
Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine, ....... Department, Izmir

The full text of the Abstract should be no more than 250 words. (Title, speaker and institution names, words in the table are included in this limitation. The system will not automatically accept abstracts with more than 250 words.)

Posters should be 70 cm wide and 90 cm high.
Use large text (your text should be at least 18-24 points, headings 30-60 points, title > 72 points).
Posters should stimulate discussion, not make a long presentation. Therefore, keep text to a minimum, emphasize graphics and make sure that every element of your poster is essential.
Good quality ink should be used for poster printing.
No computers or extra aids may be used during the poster presentation.
The poster must be hung in the designated places 2 hours before the poster session and removed at the end of the day.
Keep your poster presentation to 10 minutes per visitor/judge (7 minutes presentation and 3 minutes discussion).
Each poster can be presented by a maximum of 2 presenters during the poster presentation.

The Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: November 11, 2024